What we can do for you
What do you want to eat? We can prepare this for you
From Millor a Casa we ask you to decide the format, the products and the complements of the menu that you want.
We want your event to be made to measure, so we ask you to get involved a bit so that the celebration is memorable.
Let us begin! What do you want to eat? We like challenges and your satisfaction is our primarily aim. We want you to have really delicious and memorable meal..
How does it work
1. Fill in the booking form
Fill in in the different fields necessary to make the reservation and to check the chef availability.
2. We will contact you
After a while you will receive an email or a call to confirm the availability of the appointment.
3. Products
We will provide first class fresh local products for your celebration according to the chosen menu.
4. What do we need?
We will come on the chosen day a few hours before the celebration. We only need your oven and your stoves.
5. Comfort
You will enjoy the experience of eating in a restaurant with the tranquility of being at home.
6. Order and cleaning
At the end of the service we will leave the kitchen clean and tidy.
En Francesc és un súper professional, i genial regalar-ho per ocasions especials. Repetirem!! Gràcies per tot.
Una elecció perfecte per una celebració que va sortir rodona, gracies a la professionalitat, amabilitat i capacitat d’adaptació d’en Francesc. Des del primer moment la seva proximitat e idees van ajudar a organitzar la celebració d’un aniversari perfecte. Decoració, còctels, aperitius i plats principals espectacularment bons i el remat amb un pastis fet per ell, lleuger a la vegada que bonic i boníssim. Sens dubte comptarem amb ell per alguna altre celebració. Gracies Francesc!!